A blog dedicated to any and all things feminine.

~Because women were created to be feminine. ~

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sewing plans...

I have new sewing project in the works....

If you know anything about me, you know that I have a passion for two time periods.... Regency and Medieval. They are two extremely different time periods but what can I say, some of my favorite stories (Robin Hood, Pride and Prejudice) come from those time periods. :) 

Anyway this is the outfit that I am planning on making next... though I will have to make some modifications on parts of it. :P 

This pattern has a apron a shirt a corset (outside vest) and a cap. I'm not sure how I would look in the cap... hummm.... maybe....

Have a merry day,

Hannah E.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Working away... working away....

I sure have been busy lately but I have been enjoying it at the same time. Between working a job and school most of my time is taken up with work and studying. :)

I have been trying to find out a way to do more home sewing. The problem tends to be the money issue. :) So I am planning on taking a portion of each of my paychecks and putting it aside for sewing projects! There are so many things that I would love to make if I could justify spending the money. 

Here are some things that I would love to make:

                                       Maryanne's purple dress from Sense and Sensibility. I think that a light purple would be lovely. :)

Isn't this a lovely cape? I'm not sure where I would find a pattern like this but I am willing to try. :) 

I know this is not a very good view of the dress but I love the dress that Georgian is wearing as she plays piano. It's white and has a bit of a sheer sleeve. 

Here is a clearer view of the front. It's strange in a way, now that I am looking at it I see that it has buttons on the front of it. I have not seen a regency gown with buttons on it. 

Anyway just wanted to let you know that I am still looking forward to starting some sewing projects. I have one that I am still trying to finish. I'll update on that later when I get a chance.

Have a blessed day! 

Hurriedly yours,

Hannah E.

P.S.- Which project do you think that I should work on first? Really any of them would be good. =)